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Build a flexible APS operating model

A dynamic operating model that enables collaboration and focusses APS energy on the highest priorities.


Dynamic ways of working and structures to empower individuals and teams – making collaboration the norm

Strategic allocation of funds and resources to outcomes and essential investment

Networked enabling systems and common processes across the service



  • Like all large, complex organisations, the APS will need to adapt to respond effectively to shifting challenges in an uncertain future. 
  • Organisations that adopt more dynamic operating models respond faster to changing priorities, better meet the needs of people they serve, and engage and empower employees. 
  • The APS and its people aspire to a unified service, but significant cultural and structural barriers constrain effective collaboration outside of crises.
  • Many of the APS’s systems, processes and policies limit the flow of information, people and resources between agencies. Efforts to harmonise this have been slowed by challenges of coordination, funding, and governance.
  • Machinery of Government (MoG) changes are currently the principal means for governments to align APS functions around their priorities. Over the past 20 years, the APS has undergone more than 200 MoG changes.

The transformation opportunity

  • An APS with common or networked enabling platforms, systems and policies will deliver efficiencies and allow resources and people to be focused on strategic priorities.   
  • Rather than reverting to centralisation and control, a move to common, shared or interoperable platforms will enable the APS to link up and coordinate to deliver even more effective outcomes.
  • A better flow of information and people across the APS will facilitate collaboration across and within agencies, allowing faster and more effective responses.
  • An improved resourcing and financing framework will ensure that, consistent with government policy, the APS can reallocate resources proactively and enable investment in the underlying digital platforms needed to deliver long-term outcomes.
  • Simpler workforce structures will support effective decision-making, empower employees and deepen the culture of collaboration across institutional boundaries.
  • A truly dynamic operating model will reduce the need for MoG changes – and when they are needed they will be cheaper, quicker, and more efficient.